
RObust Animals

Programul III - Cooperarea Europeana și Internațională
Subprogramul 3.2 - Orizont 2020 ERANET
Animale robuste în sisteme sustenabile libere cu specii mixte
Finanțator UEFISCDI, Contract nr.249/2021
RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems




ROAM-FREE 2022-2024

University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty


University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca

Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)


Aarhus Universitet

University of Copenhagen

Fields Harvested

USAMV Cluj-Napoca

Prof. Dr. Marina Spinu - project manager
Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma
Prof. Dr. Carmen Dana Sandru
Prof. Dr. Emoke Pall
Ass. prof. Dr. Aurel Vasiu
Ass. prof. Dr. Constantin Cerbu
Assistant prof. Dr. Diana Olah
Assistant prof. Dr.  Adrian Potarniche
PhD student Sergiu Zablau
PhD student George Herțanu
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